Nearly Native Nursery is a specialty nursery that
promotes, sells, and propagates southeastern native plants for all types of
landscapes. We offer a wide variety of native southeastern plant life not
found in your typical garden center. Native plants offer a tough, verastile
and beautiful alternative with lower maintenance to the imported , more exotic
general nursery stock. Native plants are more suitable to local water, soil
and pest conditions. Many of these native plants also serve as food for beautiful
songbirds as well as hosts for many species of butterflies and moths. Once
established, native plants can tough out drought and water restrictions that
many other plants are unable to tolerate. There is always a native alternative
to an exotic plant, and many times, the native species will be a much more
interesting and spectacular specimen. Specific site requirements, such as
low, soggy ground, or steep, dry slopes can become beautiful focal points
with the right native plants in place.
Our staff is knowledgeable and eager to discuss native plants with all of our customers. If we cannot think of the right native option or options for you instantly, we will research your situation and get back to you with a response as soon as possible.
So, if you are near Atlanta, Georgia, stop by the Nearly Native Nursery’s retail location in Fayetteville and check out our dazzling array of gorgeous native plants available for you.
We hope that you find our
site interesting and educational!
Thanks for visiting our website.